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How is Astrology used?

Research has shown that there are many types of astrology, the main uses of which are:

Predictive :

To know about what lies ahead

Diagnostic : 

To help solve difficult medical cases, or to understand the root causes of difficulties that affect every aspect of life. For example, a person may ask an astrologer why he is always having financial problems despite his high income.

Basic nature and compatibility :

Understand the basic nature and compatibility with work and life partners based on the zodiac and other horoscopes.

Decision making : 

This includes knowing the recommended times for upcoming events such as weddings and opening, and answering specific questions such as when to get married.

It's also important to add that depending on who you rely on to solve the problem, there are different ways to investigate the root cause of the problem. Sanskrit poetry (ancient Indian language) says that if a problem arises: it is due to imbalances when consulting with a person practicing the science of 

Āyurvēda, Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor). I will. Between the three juices of bile, sputum and wind. 

 When I consult with an astrologer, it is said that it is due to the special position of the stars and planets. 

 If you see a doctor, you will say that the cause is an illness that affects parts of your body. 

 If you talk to a spiritually evolved person, he will say it is destiny. What kind of diagnosis can be believed in ? 

 According to the science of spirituality, all are true because these answers are not mutually exclusive or different from each other, but different ways of expressing the same truth behind difficulties based on reference points. 

I have an answer. For example, you can use the positions of stars and planets to explain what happens according to your destiny.

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