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12 Yoga Weights to Lose Weight Instantly



Tired of trying all the weight loss tips? We have the answer to your problem: yoga. This exercise method combines two of her best elements from the worlds of fitness and meditation. The most amazing thing is that yogasana has it all, no matter what part of your body you want to lose weight or fat. The stress on the joints is low and the risk of injury is negligible if the initial exercises are performed under the supervision of a good trainer. Apart from that, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on gym memberships and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. All you need is comfortable clothes and a yoga mat. So here are 12 yoga poses that are perfect for your historic weight loss journey.


► Ardha Chandrasana

This asana strengthens the glutes, upper thighs, and inner thighs. If you have problems with fat in these places, you will find this asana to be very effective. Extra stretching will also reduce belly fat and make you stronger. Breeding method:

First, stand with your heels and toes together. Place your hands on your hips, keep your neck straight and your eyes facing forward. Next, keep your feet about a foot to a foot and a half apart. Keep your spine straight. Then raise your right hand so that it is parallel to your shoulder. Then turn your palms up towards the sky. Then touch your ear as you raise your hand further up. Make sure to place your left hand beside your hip. Then, place your right hand just above your ear, next to your head, and bend it to the left from your waist. The left hand automatically goes down. Make sure that the palm of your left hand does not move away from your left leg. Lean as far to the left as possible and hold this crescent position on him for 30-40 seconds. To undo, undo slowly. Then place your hands next to your ears and bring your head parallel to your shoulders again. Then touch your lower back with that hand, keeping your palm facing the floor. This is the first repetition of Ardha Chandrasana bending from right hand to left hand. Then perform this asana from left hand to right bending and rest again. Doing this asana 4-5 times is effective. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you suffer from digestive problems, spinal cord injuries, or high blood pressure.  


► Virabhadrasana

Literally, this asana means "warrior pose". It stretches your back and strengthens your thighs, glutes and abs. Your concentration will increase, your chest will expand, and your breathing will become easier. Reduce unwanted body fat. Breeding method:

Stand with your feet together on the mat and place your hands by your sides. Then step your right foot forward over the hurdle and step your left foot back. Next, slowly bend your right knee to get into a pushup position. Rotate your torso toward your bent right leg. Rotate your left leg slightly to the left (about 400-600 degrees for more support). As you exhale, straighten your arms and lift your body from your bent knees. Extend your arms overhead and slowly lean your torso back so that your back arches. Continue this pose for as long as you feel comfortable. Breathe at a normal pace. To come out of this pose, extend your right knee as you exhale. Then return your right leg to the starting position. Use your hands to return to the starting position. Do not rush. Otherwise, you may hurt your lower back or legs. Repeat the same pose with the other leg. Note:

If you have high blood pressure, knee or back problems, do this asana under the supervision of a yoga instructor. Virabhadrasana This asana is another part of Virabhadrasana. This asana strengthens the muscles of the back, thighs, abdomen and heart. Breeding method:

Follow the same steps as Virabhadrasana 1, but instead of raising your hands overhead, twist your torso to turn your body to the side and raise your hands to the sides (fingers should be open). should be spread parallel to each side of the left and right leg). Then rotate your head to look at the person holding your right hand. Repeat the entire process for your left leg. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you suffer from diarrhea.


► Utkatasana

Known as chair asana, this asana requires concentration and requires you to focus on the muscles being used. Strengthens the muscles of the heart, thighs and abdomen. Breeding method:

Stand up straight and put your feet together. When praying, that is, when greeting, the palms of both hands are clasped. Your feet should be on the floor and your buttocks should be on your heels. Steady your hands on your knees and spread your knees parallel to your ankles. Lean your upper body slightly forward. Continue this pose for as long as you are comfortable. To exit the asana, stand comfortably upright. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you have knee or back injuries.


 ► Vrikshasana

This develops leg stability and strength. It removes excess fat from your waist and hips and keeps both organs strong. This will bring your mind into balance. A balanced mind increases self-confidence and focus. By continuing to do this, there is constant excitement in the body and mind. Breeding method:

First of all, take a cautious stance. Next, stand with your feet slightly apart and raise your hands overhead, palms straight and together. Next, bend your right leg at your knee and place the sole of your foot on top of your left thigh. In this position, the heel of your right foot rests under your anogenital organ. Balance on your left leg and keep your palms, head and shoulders in a straight line. Try to keep your balance while staying focused. You can maintain this pose by breathing normally and focusing on a single object in front of you. In yoga, it is believed that the body cannot be stable if the mind is not focused. Therefore, the more you control your mind, the easier it will be to perform this asana. Do not try to lean against a chair or wall while performing this asana. Note:

If you have knee or back injuries, perform this asana only under the supervision of a certified yoga practitioner.  


► Uttanasana

Practicing Uttanasana on a regular basis will fully engage the lower parts of the body and release any tension that may exist in these areas. This is a yoga pose that makes the sides of the leg flexible and strong. This pose fully lengthens the bones of the spine. Relax your neck and brain. Mental stress is reduced and peace is obtained. Breeding method:

When practicing Uttanasana, the head and neck should be directed toward the floor as much as possible. Your spine should be straight in this position. Palms should touch the floor during the asana. If you can't do this, try keeping your arms bent toward the floor as much as possible, or bend your knees so that your palms touch the floor. Make sure your ankles are parallel to your knees throughout the exercise.


 ► Half Machendrasana

This asana is specially designed to increase the breathing capacity of the lungs and store oxygen for a long time. It also relaxes the spine, reducing back pain and other back problems. How to perform the pose:

Sit with your legs spread, your back straight, and your feet together. Bend your left leg and move your heel to the right side of the post. Then bring your right leg to your left leg and place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind it. Rotate your hips, shoulders, and neck to the right. Let's take a deep breath and go. Continue exhaling to return to the starting position. At this time, first turn your right hand behind you, then stretch your hips, then your chest, and finally your neck. Then do the same process in the opposite direction. Note:

If you have a back injury, perform this asana only in the presence of a certified trainer.


 ► Badakonasana

This asana works best on the inner thighs. This is one of his yoga asanas that help relieve back pain and strengthen the spine, hips, knees and glutes. Relieves menstrual pain and soothes the digestive system. Breeding method:

Spread the blanket out twice and sit in front with your legs spread. First, bend both knees and bring the soles of your feet close to your feet. Interlock your fingers, grab your toes with both hands, and keep your back straight as if you were sitting in Butterfly Pose. Keep your arms straight and your legs as close together as possible so that your entire body is stretched. This is the starting position for this asana. As you take a deep breath and exhale, slowly bend forward from your hips, keeping your spine and back muscles straight. Keep your forehead touching the floor. If that is not possible, bring your chin closer to your toes to normalize your breathing. Finally, inhale and return to the starting position. Practice this asana as often as possible. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you have a knee injury. 


► Kapal Bhati Pranayama

This is a form of breathing pranayama used to carry oxygen throughout the body and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Reduce belly fat and improve digestion. Breeding method:

To practice Kapal Bati Pranayama, sit in a meditation posture, sukasana, or chair, keeping your spine straight. Then exhale through both nostrils as quickly as possible. Push your belly inward as much as possible. Then quickly inhale through both nostrils and pull your belly out as much as possible. This action can be performed in stages from he 50 to he 500 depending on the intensity and requirements, but in a row he should not exceed 50. We will gradually increase the number of orders. Minimum 5 minutes, maximum 30 minutes. After breathing this way, your abdominal muscles may feel swollen at first, but don't worry, this is normal and temporary. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you have high blood pressure, hernia or heart disease.


► Kumbakasan

This asana is easy to perform and is considered one of the most effective asanas in yoga. Strengthen your arms, shoulders, back, calves and thighs. And this asana is great for building strong abs in the body. Breeding method:

Lie face down on the mat. Then, place your palms in front of your face and bend your feet so that your toes press against the floor. Then slide your hand forward and raise your fist into the air. Your feet should be as close to the floor as possible and your neck should be relaxed. Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana. At this point, inhale and lower your torso so that your arms are pressed into the floor and your chest and shoulders are straight above them. Continue this pose for as long as you are comfortable. To come out of the pose, exhale and let your body lie comfortably on the floor. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you have back or shoulder injuries or suffer from high blood pressure.


► Hallasan

This pose is very effective for those who sit for long periods of time or who have problems with their posture. It stimulates the thyroid, parathyroid, lungs and abdominal organs, increases blood flow to the head and face, improves digestive processes and controls hormone levels. Asana method:

Lie face down on the floor. Place your arms by your sides and bend your knees so that the soles of your feet touch the floor. Then slowly lift your legs to release the pose. Place your hands on the supports to support your body as you lift your legs. Then, slowly bend your leg near the column and tuck your toes behind your head until it's closer to the floor. And keep your hands perfectly straight to keep them in contact with the ground. Exhale as you ascend. Inhale as you return your legs to the lying position. Don't come down suddenly. Please keep in mind:

Do not perform this asana if you suffer from liver problems, high blood pressure, diarrhea problems, menstruation, or neck injuries. 


► Bridge pose

This asana not only controls blood pressure, but also brings mental peace and soothes the digestive system. This asana not only stretches the neck and spine, but also relieves menstrual symptoms. How to pose:

Lie face down on the mat. Then exhale and raise your body on both legs. Lift your body so that your neck and head remain on the floor and the rest of your body is in the air. You can also use your hands for additional support. If you're flexible, you can also run your fingers behind your raised back for additional stretch. Practice this asana while paying attention to your health. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you have a neck or back injury.


► Balasan

Known as Child's Pose, this asana is a very important stress reliever. Stretch your glutes, thighs, and ankles. Relieve stress and fatigue. It is also effective for back pain caused by sitting for a long time. Breeding method:

Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Then sit on your heels and place your feet flat. Create a small distance between your two thighs. Bend at the waist while exhaling. Place your belly on your thighs and stretch your back forward. Then move your arms forward so that your back is stretched. If you are flexible enough, you can rest your forehead on the floor. But don't overdo it. Eventually you will succeed. Breathe at your normal pace, as this is a stress-reducing asana. Hold this pose for up to 3 minutes and count for at least 5 minutes. Note:

Do not perform this asana if you are pregnant, have knee injuries, or suffer from diarrhea. ► Pranayama

This asana is the best way to bring you peace and inner peace. Did you know that you can eliminate 90% of toxins from your body just by breathing properly?We can learn proper breathing from newborns. Have you ever seen your belly expand when you inhale and contract when you exhale? Breathing is our main source of energy. The key to a healthy and happy life is proper breathing  


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